Message from Babaji
You are a giant who has cast a shadow on earth for eons. Now this shadow is dissolving and you realize your true greatness and light. You are perfectly capable of mastering this time and its challenges – this is why you are here. Your life is divine destiny tailored to you.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Perfect yourself!
… as a servant of mankind
Keep working, don’t stop, don’t look back! That’s what you were born for, that’s why you have come into this world, that’s what you chose to live for – to inspire conversion in mankind and to assist individuals in their ascension.
Anyone who has reached a certain level of growth naturally becomes a servant of mankind.
There is no other work for the awakened human than to use their peace and light to bring seemingly lost human souls back to life.
The harder and more inhumane the surroundings become, the softer and more humane, compassionate and loving anyone will become whose soul has healed and who is connected to God.
Your love is the seed for future generations. Your work is the foundation of the New Earth, and inspired by your example, other people around you will excel.
So, readily accept all tasks you have signed up for before birth, and fully commit yourself to your work!
You are a giant who has cast a shadow on earth for eons. Now this shadow is dissolving and you realize your true greatness and light.
You are perfectly capable of mastering this time and its challenges – this is why you are here. Your life is divine destiny tailored to you.
Keep working, move forward and don’t look back!
Perfect yourself! BABAJI
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0:00:00 Deine Versorgung mit flüssigem Licht
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1:43:05 Verabschiedung mit Morgenspruch für die Klassen 1-4 von Waldorfschulen
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
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