The Archangels

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Heaven on earth is near

Being prepared with God

Beloved humans,

prepare yourselves for the big moment of the shift, that moment in time that is about to come and is bound to come, so that the world can once more focus its full attention on the light, and so that mankind can awaken.

Be fearless – rather, have courage and faith in God, because even if events exceed the imaginable, you will be carried safely and lovingly through these hours of breakdown and shift.

The ascension of mankind has been heralded over the course of centuries, and for just as long, you have been preparing during various lifetimes. Now the time of truth has dawned and the time of the light has come. Not a grain of sand will remain where it used to be.

Everything changes, and everything changes for the better, the light, the sublime – everything becomes God’s equal.

Under the current circumstances, a unity of all human beings is impossible – it can only develop if you become internally renewed and perfected!

Stride with God through the upcoming hours of truth, strengthen yourself through His love, and look out for your spiritual family. Because your spiritual family exists both on earth and in heaven; and heaven is descending and opening up for you.


The time of loneliness, ungodliness and lack of light and love is ending; a new time quality has enwrapped planet earth. The matrix of fear, in which human beings develop into artificial intelligence, only keeps existing for those who wish to experience life in such a world.

All human beings who wholeheartedly reject this reality will ascend, return home and find themselves in God’s embrace once more.

Today it is revealed to you: God is calling you back to the source. Your soul has been waiting for this for eons, and your heart has been longing for this for an eternity.

There is no future for the cold world. Life of mankind united by love and connected in truth, is taking shape. Irrevocably – today, here and now.

Such is the annunciation to you!

Go in peace and praise the days to come, because heaven on earth is close and about to come become a reality.

You, however, go ahead and live without fear during these last days of a world that has become strange to you and where you no longer belong.

You, however, will experience neither injustice nor harm, because God incarnate is within you and you are in His grace.

We are the keepers of worlds

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:


0:00:00 Wiedervereinigung der Seelenfamilien und Ahnen

0:27:00 Fade-out und Neubeginn (Live-Botschaft)

0:38:00 Der Rosenstrauch

0:51:50 Wer ist heute dein Guru?

0:55:00 Erwacht! Erhebt euch!

1:00:00 Chinesische Soldaten in Europa

1:03:50 Bist du Spielball oder Spieler? Was heißt: “Verkaufe alles, und folge mir!”

1:07:45 Wozu etwas sagen, wenn ein Wink reicht?

1:09:00 Öffne dich für Gott, denn Wunder wird es viele geben!

1:14:00 Gibt es Hilfe für “Corona-Therapierte” Menschen?

1:22:30 Warum sich Widerstand auszahlt!

1:28:00 Lernen sie das Plateau zu lieben!

1:34:00 Sterben für eine “gute Sache”?

1:43:00 Akzeptieren

1:46:00 3 Tipps

1:50:00 Gott und DU & Verabschiedung



Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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