Message from Sai Baba
The cleansing of low frequencies that have accumulated during each day is of the utmost importance. This is the only way to remain centered and oriented.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Don’t let the world get to you!
What matters now!
To be of the world, to be in the world, but to not let the world get to you – this is the practice and challenge faced today.
I am with you. I am SAI BABA
Beloved human,
The current events present you with the challenge to not get swallowed by them.
The current dynamic creates a pull, both positive and negative, and it is crucial which energy you ultimately allow yourself to get absorbed by.
The destructive energy, which has covered this world like a coat made of led, needs to be mastered. At the same time, you need to absorb the luminous energy that has spread all over the globe.
But how does this happen?
Shower of light
Only your consciousness and your focus determine the path and guarantee the desired results.
If internally you remain focused on God and the divine light, you are a part of the ascension process, because your energetic signature points right to it. What matters here is that you are very well aware of what is happening around you, but at the end of the day you ALWAYS bring yourself back into a loving frame of mind.
Never go to bed with a burdened or heavy mind. Take an energetic shower of light before you go to bed, and call upon the divine light!
The cleansing of low frequencies that have accumulated during each day is of the utmost importance. This is the only way to remain centered and oriented.
So just like you take care of your body by taking a shower or a bath, take care of your energy body as well. Cleanse them REGULARLY with the divine light of love – and your mind will be clear and untouchable by harmful energy fields.
It’s not about suppressing something or closing your eyes before the evils of the world. It’s solely about standing in the light, and – despite all these challenging phenomena that darkness and ignorance bear – remaining in the light.
In your own words, call upon the divine light, and it will heal you where healing is needed.
Living in the world, but not allowing the world into your soul – this is the practice you are facing, which you can only master through the divine light and divine love.
You are loved, endlessly!
»Die Welt nicht in mich hineinlassen« 120. Lichtlesung, ab 2:14:00 Minuten
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:
0:00:00 Bindungen aufgeben und loslassen
0:23:50 Gnade Gottes in Hülle und Fülle (Live-Botschaft)
0:35:45 Buchpräsentation SANANDA OFFENBARUNGEN 2
0:39:50 Die Liebe
0:53:00 Einweihung
1:00:30 Gesetz des Handelns
1:09:00 Präsentation des “18 Uhr-Lichts für Frieden und Freiheit”
1:22:30 Präsentation: “Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen wirklich gut”
1:27:30 Was heißt “auf das Herz hören” in der Praxis?
1:36:00 Der Weg des Herzens
1:46:00 “Jupiter Ascending” und welche Zukunft erwartet uns?
1:51:00 Wie das Wort Gottes wirkt – Lesermails
1:59:40 In welche Welt bin ich geraten?
2:14:00 Die Welt nicht in dich hineinlassen!
2:18:00 MM – frei einmal die Woche!
2:25:30 Die Menschen “retten” oder “aufwecken” – wirklich? Und was heißt “Transformationsarbeit?”
2:33:00 Der Himmel auf Erden ist nah!
→ Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
→ MP3 Download der Lichtlesungen
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