From the realms of Being
You can speak this prayer entirely for yourself as well.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
This “prayer of grace”, spoken for one or several officials of our choosing who are in charge of politics, religion, economy or culture, is always also a prayer for ourselves – which means, you can speak this prayer entirely for yourself as well.
Prayer of grace
I ask God, Father and Mother of all Life, Source of all Being, for … (add the person’s name):
• Give him/her the strength for the path of truth.
• Give him/her the wisdom for the path of love.
• Give him/her the courage for the path of light.
• Give him/her the compassion to perceive what people in our country really need.
• Give him/her an open heart to feel the effects of his/her decisions.
• Give him/her love for the people, so that he/she can serve mankind lovingly.
• Give him/her an understanding of the spiritual consequences of harmful actions, so that he/she shies away from decisions driven by egoism.
• Give him/her self-confidence and faith in God, so that he/she can turn away from evil and turn towards good.
• Give him/her your grace so that he/she can awaken, see and realize.
Now, I ask God, Father and Mother of all Life, the Source of all Being, for myself:
• Give me the strength to forgive all those who hurt me or others blindly or unknowingly. I am now prepared to love unconditionally, anytime and anywhere, also those who don’t love me or reject me.
I am the path, the truth and the life.
I am the love and the light.
I am that I AM.
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