Message from Master St. Germain
No other person is like you, and no other person will ever be like you! You need to discover this uniqueness. So don’t deviate from your unique path because of general norms on how to behave.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
How does one become content?
What is your mission? What is your mindset?
Which tools do you need in order to put into effect what you came to earth for?
The answer to this question creates in you a sense of content and calm.
Beloved human,
Restlessness and strife occur when you are no longer connected to your Self. When a human being lacks inner knowledge regarding the meaning of life, they experience restlessness that may ultimately lead to spiritual chaos.
If you were born as a warrior, you need to live as a warrior. If you were born as a peacemaker, you need to live as a peacemaker. How do you express yourself? Are you decisive, courageous and daring? Or do you avoid risk, do you get fulfilling results in other ways?
These are questions you need to deal with in order to get to know yourself better.
Warrior or peacemaker
Get to the bottom of your true nature. Then, remove or heal everything that is disharmonious or feels unnatural to you.
Warriors and peacemakers equally depend on the vibration of inner harmony, because both of them can only fulfill their tasks when they are at peace with themselves and their missions.
Find out what makes you special! Your make-up is unique, you won’t find another human being just like you – and once you found your uniqueness, fully dedicate your life to it.
No other person is like you, and no other person will ever be like you! You need to discover this uniqueness. So don’t deviate from your unique path because of general norms on how to behave.
What is good for ONE is bad for the OTHER, and vice versa. There’s only one maxim you always need to observe: Never allow things to happen to the other that you wouldn’t want happening to you either – beyond that, everything is allowed and everything is possible.
Disregard the limitations of this world, overcome the restrictions of this world, and identify all the manipulations that make you small!
This is the way to freedom, because in a free world nobody has to pretend. In a free world, everyone is their divine Self. In a free world, you are an essential part of the One, you are someone who brings their unique abilities to your own happiness and to the wellbeing of all.
Peacemaking fighter or fighting peacemaker – it doesn’t matter, all that matters is: Love yourself, know yourself and be yourself.
→ Love, and you can live as you please! – Jesus
→ Now: every 6 hours meditation for world peace!
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