Message from Sai Baba
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Choose love, not pain
Fear vanishes through love. Love is the power that drives fear away.
Currently more and more people freeze inwardly because they feel at the mercy of what is to come. Relationships and friendships are questioned and reexamined.
And so it happens that people not only loose their friends but also their faith in the trueness of this intensive transformation. And yet the solution is so simple: Realize what is, and choose love instead of pain for the processes of transformation.
Don’t ask yourselves whether you are loved, understood or appreciated. Rather ask yourselves: do I love, do I understand others, and am I full of self-appreciation?
Start by loving yourselves – then love can spread noticeably in no time.
It will be noticed, because a person who loves, carries in his heart the happiness others are desperately looking for.
Develop into ambassadors of love and happiness – the kind of love that emanates from within you, and the kind of happiness that you have internalized.
Apply this state of consciousness to today’s shifts in your lives and in the world, then you can never loose track and nobody can get you off track.
It’s a fact that humans believe that happiness depends on outer events, and they can only love when they themselves are loved.
For many – too many – people, their own inner blockades get in the way, and so they depend on how the outer world, their surroundings and their friends treat them.
The readjustment and realignment of human beings bring about great changes in relationships. Old ties dissolve so that new ties can be formed.
Will everything dissolve? Will people petrify?
Processes of dissolution will happen where people – instead of welcoming the new – cling to the old.
Anyone who remains inflexible in an eventful time is finding it very difficult to resonate with the energies of this time.
When people petrify, this means that they are emotionally rigid and mentally inflexible. You recognize them by how intensely they are clinging to the old life! As they are emotionally rigid and mentally inflexible, strict habits, set ways and repetitive recurring thoughts determine their lives.
Now’s the time when this becomes obvious, because it is no longer possible to avoid God’s light.
No matter where someone has been hiding up until now, they will be touched by the divine light one way or another.
Anyone who shies or scares away and wants to keep living life as before by all means, will loose it.
Cosmic conditions are now making sure that humans can cause unique boosts of transformation on earth. Anyone who closes themselves off from that will find these conditions on earth unbearable.
Resonate with time
So I invite you to replace the fears that the upcoming process of transformation causes in you with love and devotion.
Trust that it has never been God’s will for you to have to go through pain in order to become conscious.
Be aware that it is possible today to grow and shift under the tender and loving guidance of earthly or celestial masters.
Don’t stop half way! Don’t freeze but keep moving, when it comes to taking a glimpse at your heart and directing the light into your soul.
I invite you to resonate with this time, so that you don’t have to go prematurely because you can’t bear the energies on this earth any longer.
Start with yourself. Nobody but you is responsible for your happiness, your capability to love, and for your transformation.
Outer circumstances are not important to anyone who lives their missions and strives for their own perfection.
Unique possibilities are revealing themselves to you through the light. Use this time as long as the window of opportunity is open.
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