Message from Archangel Uriel
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Beloved humans in the hands of God!
Tremendous shifts are about to happen, and new decisions are required of you! Turn to the light completely or avoid the divine light and the truth?
These are the positions that matter today, and this is the crossroads many, many people are standing at now.
The earth is experiencing a shift, at the end of which lies a perfect world and a healed humanity. To resonate, go along and co-ascend is the motto now, or: to stop and remain stuck in the tar-boots of time.
I have come to disclose to you a new era, and to encourage and invite you to leave the paths of light-deprivation and walk on the paths of light instead.
What is the greatest challenge in doing so?
Regaining self-awareness
It is the readiness to face one’s own inner shadows. This confrontation is inevitable in the process of regaining self-awareness.
Every human being must recognize the low motivations tying them to this earth, in order to ascend into a higher consciousness. If you want to enter the kingdom of light, there’s no way past the confrontation with your own inner misapprehensions.
It is exactly this confrontation that too many people are still shying away from.
Skillfully, the big dark whisperer operates in those people who wanted to ascend without much effort or profound transformational work.
Many really are longing for ascension, but only very few want to take the required steps towards it.
However, the new dynamic of the ascension process demands exactly that of you; and so we are getting to the point where the wheat is sorted from the chaff once again, and where relationships, friendships, families and communities are undergoing a profound “review”.
The struggle
All over the world the spiral of ascension is rotating upward towards the light, and simultaneously the force of evil is eating its way through all unresolved areas, downward towards darkness.
What is described here means that darkness intends to drag anyone down who doesn’t have enough inner stability. Just as the pull of light lifts light souls upwards, the pull of darkness tries to drag dense souls down.
This is the battle fought in this world right now, until everything settles and becomes still in this world.
It’s important to be in resonance with this. All of those who have failed to find their inner blockades and let go of their misconceptions, are now having a hard time resisting the pull of darkness. They can neither keep perspective mentally nor can they resist emotionally – these people are taken over.
They are swept away into an old time and continue their life in a world deprived of light. For many, this means the end of the dream of ascension.
No more excuses allowed!
I have come to you today to shed light on this fact so that you increase your efforts and no longer hide behind excuses when it comes to bringing light to the very areas of your soul that are still unhealed.
All that matters today is mastering this one challenge: to resist the dark player, the great deceiver, by seeing through and recognizing his deceptions.
This requires unconditional readiness of the individual to enter one’s inner world and recognize one’s Self. There is no other way for anyone to ascend into the light and take their place in the light of God.
Beloved humans,
Once again great shifts are happening.
Everything changes for those who have remained unchanged internally until now.
Crying the tears unshed
A faulty transformation has visible consequences these days. But anyone who still turns around now receives all the support by the realms of light.
Anyone who confirms their “YES, I DO” and wholeheartedly dives into the ocean of their unshed tears, will rise and enter into eternal life. The grace of God accomplishes everything in those who are ready to give everything to God.
This is revealed to you here today so that – instead of freezing in fear – you can accomplish to change the course of direction inside you. Do it for yourself and for the world you supposedly want to heal.
Let go of all comfort, look out for the inconvenient truths in your heart, and thereby stay on course towards heaven.
Light shines on your path – the path only you alone can walk.
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