Message from Sai Baba
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

Make sure to get your own affairs in order! The chaos in the outer world shall motivate you to sort out your inner world.
The current challenge
This world is afflicted with a variety of different phenomena. In the middle of the greatest shift of all times, chaos is created to an extent that has never existed before. Far beyond the discharges that underlie transformation, beings who don’t mean well for humanity create chaos.
Everything that could create peace and unity is reversed, and the efforts of individuals to ascend from darkness into the light are negatively influenced whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Such are the challenges for the individual, and some of you don’t know how to proceed. Adversity seems never-ending, and setbacks accumulate. Some of you feel like they are stuck and at a loss.
And at this point you need to pause! At this point you need to become still and sort things out internally. At this point you need to open up to God in meditation so that he can reveal himself to you.
Everyone who feels trapped by outer circumstances and doesn’t know how to proceed should immediately turn inwards to look for strength and clarity.
Today is about facing the tempest of time with the realm of peace that you have established inside you.
In order to remain oriented and to perceive the light in the thicket of events, you need to have ignited your inner light. Anyone who focuses entirely on the outer world and turns to the outer world for meaning, orientation or even peace will fail.
This mankind is shifting, and the entire planet earth along with it. Meanwhile it is possible to find peace, stability and love – not outside, but inside of you and in a vibrant relationship with God.
As long as the expectation of finding peace and love outside you remains, disappointment will follow. I am telling you: Whoever struggles with the outer world has not yet found his true inner connection.
However, this is just what needs to be achieved: the inner certainty of how the inner and the outer are connected and intertwined.
The outer can only be understood through inner realization – it cannot be the other way around.
Looking into your soul
This is why the only thing that matters these days is looking into your soul, finding the way to your heart and connecting with God, the source of all life!
● It is so important that you don’t despair in the outer world, which causes doubt about everything.
● It is so important that you understand the meaning of all developments, so that you can preserve your inner peace.
● It is so important that you don’t get blinded by appearances but get absorbed by God’s light.
In any crisis, turn inwards.
Whenever questions pile up that you cannot answer, turn your back to this world and turn inwards. This is the message:
Look for answers inside yourself and remain in stillness until you have achieved clarity and found inner peace.
After that, you can dare to look at the events in the outer world once again, and you will see them with a new set of eyes. Because truly:
It is not the events that scare you, it is the limited perspective that creates these fears.
The ample span of your soul will open up inside and inner peace will spread. God’s love will settle in your heart and be the source of all your strength.
So keep going back there whenever you feel discouraged by outer events.
I am with you
>>> You are the shift! – Jahn J Kassl
>>> Now: every 6 hours meditation for world peace!
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