Message from Babaji
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Time withdraws and eternity emerges.
How can you strengthen yourself these days? How should you proceed in case dark forces beleaguer you and cause unease? Become the prayer, become the meditation! Stop being the one who prays, stop being the one who meditates, but become the prayer and the meditation.
How can this be achieved?
By communicating directly with God, the source of all being, or the celestial beings of light, through your thought, your emotion, and your every action. Examine the trueness of each thought, look at every emotion in the mirror of truth.
Ask yourself: “Is this appropriate?” Enhance every action with the seal of God by thoroughly examining the sense, value and benefit of your actions.
What are your thoughts, feelings and actions focused on? How much space in your heart – without neglecting self-love – does charity take up?
Examine yourself in the light, and you will never go wrong.
Slowly you will become the prayer, the meditation, and overcome all separation. At this point, eternity and the end of time reveal themselves to you.
The end of time is not only subject to cosmic movements, but above all to your perception. With every step closer to God, your perception becomes clearer and you remove yourself from time. Therefore your ascension can happen anytime.
The earth is under my care, and every human being will find his way back into God’s glory.
(photo credit: Andrea Percht)
>>> Setbacks are part of transformation – Babaji
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