Message from Archangel Sandalphon
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
It’s up to you!
Beloved Human,
It is entirely up to you and your will to see the light of god and yourself.
The earth is my home and human beings are my brothers and sisters. Because just like you live today, I used to live as a human amongst you.
I know what it means to live a life in flesh and blood and to overcome a world full of deceptions. I know, and you know; and this is what this message is about.
Mankind is taking the last steps in this old world, and some shall leave this world “enlightened”. I am referring to you, because it is your aspiration for understanding, your longing for light and for god, that has lead you here. Mankind is taking the last steps in this world.
„Selfishness” is not a sin
What matters now is that a multitude of humans awaken individually. An awakening that is described as follows:
- Become the servant of yourself and your Self. “Selfishness” is not a sin, but it is the way that leads to unconditional love. Because the moment you have fully recognized yourself, you become divine and human at the same time – you become whole.
- Know this: “Working in your own garden” is now of the utmost significance, because the great world revolution takes place in the hearts of the individual human beings.
The more people rid themselves of damaging habits and wrong opinions, the deeper humans heal their emotional wounds and discard mental deceptions, the more efficiently this will remove the basis of this “reality on earth” – until it collapses in itself like a house without foundation. Today a very important question poses itself to you humans, for those of you who are in service of transformation: “How can I most efficiently support the transformation as an individual?”
The answer to that is simple, yet not easy for many. The answer is: By becoming whole through completing the transformation into a divine being of light, which means that you become fully aware of your origin and your missions.
I repeat: Today’s revolution doesn’t need agitators, it happens inside the individual.
Inside every human being who sees through the old world as an illusion and who has let go of the personal attachment to it. That is why it is essential to be “addicted to self-awareness” now, so that you can create an entirely new sense of life beyond doubt.
Now that human misery is increasing worldwide, it is essential to remove any remaining woes from the core of your soul.
In order to be able to give, you need to have something to give – and in order to be effective, you need to be.
After that everything gets easy, and you can live quite naturally and radiate unconditional love.
The difficulty to love unconditionally
Why is unconditional love remarkably difficult for many people? Because it is argued from the point of view of the Ego rather than the consciousness of Self. The Self is composed of “unconditional love”, which is why it is of great importance to attain “self-awareness”.
Today it is specifically essential that you invest your all into
a.) self-healing,
b.) self-awareness,
c.) self-help, and
d.) self-encounter.
In these days when all of humanity appears to be in need, you have to radically turn to yourself and recognize your own needs. The message of today’s time quality is, in essence: Heal yourself and you heal the world!
Start right where certain habits are in your way, also watch your opinions, and finally, recognize behavioral patterns that were imposed on you; and lastly, obtain mastery by establishing a close bond with the ascended masters, the archangels, the enlightened beings of light, and with god. That way you can overcome any obstacle and remove any blockade.
More than ever, beloved human, today – at the end of time and the end of the road for humanity in this world – it is up to you A(L)L-ONE.
Take responsibility for yourself
Don’t get lost in political actions, because neither church nor politics are of any significance to an awakened being.
If people no longer took part in votes and avoided the churches and temples of this world, priests and politicians would lose their entitlement and would no longer have any power over those they pretend to be leading spiritually or representing politically.
If individuals, each one for themselves and by their own ruling, stopped consuming TV-programs, the power of this matrix would end.
You can very well imagine what it would mean if a large number of individuals simultaneously decided to do so.
This example demonstrates the personal responsibility of the individual and the nature of self-empowerment. You should be questioning everything that keeps you from such resolute action.
That way you gain self-awareness, and only then mankind can take the necessary steps from slavery to freedom. With this message, that puts you in a place of complete responsibility for yourself, I bless you and I tell you: As soon as you have fully attained your true Self, you will see what is, and your life will be complete.
Many are on the verge of extensive changes and deep realizations, only the last steps to get there are difficult for them …
Why? Because the most persistent misapprehensions and the most favorite habits have not yet been scrutinized, and the entirely new view of mankind and of the world has not yet been created. Heaven helps you with that. If you want, we accompany you into the light, and if you ask for it we help you attain your true Self.
If your longing for god is greater than your love for this world … then you have come to the right place.
In order for a journey to be complete, you need to take the last step. Take it. With us. You are never alone.
With endless love,
>>> German original: Auf dich kommt es an! >>> What you are - GOD >>> So if you appreciate the work we do, please support us. Thank you.
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